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Wine Terms: Negociant to Typicity

Wine Terms: Negociant to Typicity

Understanding Wine Terms:

Negociant to Typicity defined and explained.
  • Negociant — French word describing a wholesale merchant, blender, or shipper of wine.


  • NWS — the National Wine School.


  • Noble rot — see “botrytis.”


  • Nose —  a tasting term describing the aromas and bouquets of a wine.


  • Oak/oaky — tasting term denoting smells and flavors of vanilla, baking spices, coconut, mocha, or dill caused by barrel-aging.


  • Oenology — the science of wine and winemaking (see “enology”).


  • Open — tasting term signifying a wine that is ready to drink.


  • Oxidation — wine exposed to air that has undergone a chemical change.


  • Phenolic compounds — natural compounds present in grape skins and seeds (see “tannin”).


  • Phylloxera — a microscopic insect that kills grape vines by attacking their roots.


  • Plonk — British slang for inexpensive wine; also used to describe very low-quality wines.


  • Ratings— wine reviews based on a hundred-point scale.


  • Rosé— pink wines made from red grapes.


  • Rough — the tactile “coarse” sensation one experiences with very astringent wines.


  • Sec — the French word for “dry.”


  • Sommelier — A wine butler; also used to denote a certified wine professional.


  • Spicy — a tasting term used for odors and flavors reminiscent of black pepper, bay leaf, curry powder, baking spices, oregano, rosemary, thyme, saffron, or paprika found in certain wines.


  • Supertaster — an individual with the genetic ability to taste a wider array tannins and other bitter compounds.


  • Sweet — wines with perceptible sugar contents on the nose and in the mouth.


  • Tannins — the phenolic compounds in wines that leave a bitter, dry, and puckery feeling in the mouth.


  • Tartaric acid — the principal acid in grapes, tartaric acid promotes flavor and aging in wine.


  • Terroir — French for geographical characteristics unique to a given vineyard.


  • Texture — a tasting term describing how the wine feels on the palate.


  • Typicity — a tasting term that describes how well a wine expresses the characteristics inherent to the variety of grape.


Oak-Like Tones in Wine:

Oak / Oaky — tasting term denoting smells and flavors of vanilla, baking spices, coconut, mocha, or dill caused by barrel-aging”