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Wine Terms: Ullage to Young

Wine Terms: Ullage to Young

Learning Wine Terms:

Ullage to Young defined and explained.


  • Vegetal — tasting term describing characteristics of fresh or cooked vegetables detected on the nose and in the flavors of the wine.  Bell peppers, grass, and asparagus are common “vegetal” descriptors.


  • Vinification — the process of making wine.


  • Vinology — the scientific study of wines and winemaking.


  • Vitis Vinifera — the species of wine that comprises over 99% of the world’s wine



  • Vintage — the year a wine is bottled—the yield of wine from a vineyard during a single season.


  • Weight — similar to “body,” the sensation when a wine feels thick or rich on the palate




  • Wine-tasting — the act of perceiving flavors in wine by using the three S’s: see, swirl, sniff, sip, and savor. See wine tasting 101



  • Yeast — a microorganism endemic to vineyards and produced commercially that converts grape sugars into alcohol


  • Yield — the productivity of a vineyard


  • Young — an immature wine that is usually bottled and sold within a year of its vintage.  Wines meant to be drunk “young” are noted for their fresh and crisp flavors.


Understanding Wine Tasting:

Wine Tasting — the act of perceiving flavors in wine by using the three esses: see, swirl, sniff, sip, and savor.”